Friday 4 July 2008

It begins

So we've done it. Three sane (well, mostly) women, all of whom have enough responsibility to know better, have got an allotment.

It's huge (25x25), overgrown (untended for six years) and - to be truthful - a bit daunting. All three of us work. All three of us have young children. When and how is this project going to get off the ground? And will it end up more of a burden, than the Cath Kidson-inspired idyll we dream of? Only time will tell. The only thing we feel 100% sure about is the plot's name: Fred. And the fact that, here in wildly-domesticated Chiswick, England, we've now got our own patch of earth to alter as we can.

We've taken care of Stage One the easiest way possible . . . . by hiring two guys to make our brambles into a (sort of) green field. It's shocking what two men and some heavy machinery can do in a day. Leaving our men and kids at a Friday night BBQ, we wandered over and took a look at what They Hath Wrought, and were happily surprised.

What was previously 6 foot tall weeds is now all potential. So what happens next? Stay tuned!

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Allotment Follies

Hello one and all. This is a simple accounting of what happens when 3 over-achieving London ladies decide to try a bit of The Good Life. All comments, advice, encouragement welcome!

View from the far side

View from the far side