Sunday, 12 April 2009

Making seed beds

Well this post is late, as the activity took place last weekend, but we finally got serious, and made some seed beds! Thanks to Duren and his superior hammering skills (good to have a resident handyman), we now have 4 beds, turned over and ready to fill with little seedlings. We actually did some planting (mostly lettuce and salad greens), but it felt good to get going.

Meanwhile, an unfortunate incident involving small children at a party meant that our first trays of seedlings that were germinating at Sarah's house are now history, so we start again when Sarah is back from Easter holidays. Luckily it's been quite cold, so we haven't missed much time out "growing." End of April, the tomato plants arrive - and we get real!

1 comment:

Sue Garrett said...

eSorry that this is probably not the best place for these but I couldn't find a contact address.

I'm sure you must be aware of the problems experienced by allotment holders last year due to the use of manure contaminated by a persitent herbicide called aminopyralid. Information has been collated about this problem from the links on this page
Just to update on the latest re aminopyralid contamination in case you would like to provide updates on your website or to allotment holders in your area.

The latest infomation re manure contamination is posted on my website here
I have also sent out a email for circulation by everyone I know that has been affected which is here which you may find useful to circulate to allotment holders in your area.

It is particularly important that gardeners be aware of the need for caution when obtaining manure in light of the fact that the government are now considering reinstating the licence that was temporarily suspended last year. As this is a concern to many gardeners you may wish to publicise an a epetition that has been started here

I am posting updates as I get them on my blog just on case you want to keep a watching brief.

Allotment Follies

Hello one and all. This is a simple accounting of what happens when 3 over-achieving London ladies decide to try a bit of The Good Life. All comments, advice, encouragement welcome!

View from the far side

View from the far side