Saturday, 16 August 2008

While I laze away on the US seashore, Sarah has been hard at work! She emails:

"Allotment follies abound....

Amazing what a drop of rain does! Oh how I wish we had covered all of the front half with weed block. In fact its not too late. The grass closest to the river is winning out over the weeds, but the middle section is clearly not and in my opinion we have to cover it over and abandon any planting until the spring.

On the plus side...We have cucumbers! see photo! I had gifts of a rhubarb plant and a15 seed leeks to plant for next year. Both have gone in (the cabbage was meant to be netted so has been completely eaten) I did managed to clear the 'plot' of all weeds and beat back the nettles from our door.

I did all I could with restless kids and dog but could do with a solid weekend of work there, preferably with a mower. Nice Sarah from plot 17 or 18 gave me some of her glut of courgettes.
Emily is showing her pet worm for you to see. She named it Zoe and it came home with us.

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Allotment Follies

Hello one and all. This is a simple accounting of what happens when 3 over-achieving London ladies decide to try a bit of The Good Life. All comments, advice, encouragement welcome!

View from the far side

View from the far side